Examples of Useful CSS Classes

We've added some useful CSS classes to places like the Blog component that will help you with visual formatting if you choose to use them.

Useful CSS Classes

    .odd 	Is added to every odd blog post or list item in a content component
    .even 	Is added to every even blog post or list item in a content component
    .first 	Is added to the first blog post or list item in a content component
    .last 	Is added to the last blog post or list item in a content component
    .item_N     Used when there are lists of items (ie: .item_0, .item_1 etc.). Can be added to any enumerable content.

You can add style declarations to your CSS file for these classes for some useful visual formatting.

These are just a few examples of the CSS classes you may find useful. Other component specific classes are added to aid in styling, and for advanced styling we recommend using Firebug to inspect the Document Object Model (DOM) to find them.

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