How to redirect a domain / subdomain to the subfolder of another domain?

How to redirect a domain/subdomain to the subfolder of another domain?


These instructions were designed using our "Linux Hosting Cpanel", if you do not have hosting with ClickPanda you can buy one by clicking here.

Sometimes, it is necessary to redirect a domain or subdomain to a subfolder in another domain, this is not possible using ClickPanda's redirection service, nor using a CNAME record because the DNS configuration does not allow redirection to subfolders.

However, if you need to set up a redirect not allowed through our URL redirection you can use one of these methods:

Domain/subdomain redirection to a subfolder of the same domain/external domain without masking: (Applies only if your domain's NS records point to the NS of the Cpanel hosting server).

  • Unmasked redirection can be used when you require a domain or URL ( to redirect to another domain or subfolder ( by changing the URL in the browser's search bar.

  • Redirect additional domains from Cpanel: by default, Cpanel has a main domain associated with it; however, you can add domains to set up redirects by following the instructions in this article:

  • Redirect a subdomain to a subfolder within the same domain/hosting: you must create a subdomain and edit the root directory following the instructions in this article:

To redirect a domain/subdomain/additional domain to an external domain: you must follow the instructions in this article:

Domain/subdomain/subdomain redirection to a subfolder of the same domain/external domain with masking:

  • Redirection with masking can be used when you require a domain or URL ( to redirect to another domain or subfolder (, without changing the URL address in the browser's search bar.

To do this, you must create a text file, name it index.html and upload it to the root directory or subfolder you want to redirect to. To upload files to your hosting you can follow the instructions in this article:


Inside this file you must enter the following code and change the line: for the address to which you want to redirect with masking:

<title> Site Title </ title>
</ head>
body {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
body, iframe {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
iframe {
    border: 0;
</ style>
<iframe src = "" />
</ body>
</ html>


NOTE: It is necessary to configure the following option on the destination domain server replacing with the source domain
X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM


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