How can I change the DNS records for my domain?

1.From the client area are you can click on Domains:

2.In the list of your domains, select the domain you want to modify, then click on the arrow and select the "Manage domain" option.


3. Then click on the "Manage DNS" button.


4. In this section you can create, modify and delete DNS records for your domain.



For the DNS records in this section to take effect the Nameservers must point to the following values, otherwise this DNS zone will have no functionality:


If your domain nameservers point to and, and you have a Cpanel hosting plan, your DNS records are configured from Cpanel, any modification you make in this DNS zone will not be reflected. For more information you can visit the article "Advanced zone editor" in the Cpanel help section.


In case you have any questions or concerns you can contact our live chat via whatsapp :





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