

This Component will allow you to display a playlist of mp3 files you have uploaded to be played...

 Collapsing components

This function will toggle the layout mode and when selected, hides all content blocks (text and...

 Creating Navigation Component Hover Menus

To further customize the content within a Navigation Component, you can create Navigation...


A feed component is used for adding RSS or similar feeds. Where to Find This Component can be...

 Form Component

Display a simple form on your site that emails you submissions. Where to Find This Component...


A friends component is used for adding a list of friends from various web sites including Flickr,...


Note The Google Maps component is currently unavailable and has been temporarily removed from...

 Guestbook Component

Display a guestbook on your site which your visitors can use to leave you a message or log their...


An HTML component is used for adding custom lines of HTML code. This component is great if you...


Insert a single image into your content with this Component. Where to Find This Component can...


An Image Gallery component is used for adding a number of images to your site, in a variety of...

 Manage friends

Here you can add friends from a variety of social websites. If you would like to display your...

 Navigation Component

 navigation component is used for adding navigation items in the form of lists of links. This...

 Paypal Component

Use this Component to allow your visitors to purchase products on your site with PayPal by...