When you register your domain, your name, address, email address and phone number are automatically published on the Internet, showing up in all existing “whois” services. Protect your domain against scams and spam with ClickPanda's privacy protection service, we take care of hiding your information from the public.
To protect your domain, perform the following steps:
1. From the members home area click on “Domains”
2. Then, select your active domain and click on the key
3. Then click on the “add-ons” button
4. Later, at the bottom you will find the "complements"
In the first option called “ID Protection” click on the “Buy Now…” button.
After clicking on a tab will open to confirm the purchase.
5. On this new page you must click again on “Buy now for”
An invoice will be generated so that you can pay for the protection of your domain.