To convert a directory of images to thumbnails, perform the following steps:
Select the directory that contains the images that you wish to convert.
You must select an entire folder to convert to a thumbnail. The Thumbnail Converter tool cannot convert individual images.
Click the folder icon
to navigate the file system. -
Click on a folder name to select it.
- In the Scale Percent text boxes, enter the percentage by which you wish to shrink your images.
- Select the Keep Aspect Ratio checkbox to ensure that the image's dimensions remain proportional, to prevent the distortion of the image.
- Click Reset Dimensions to reset the Scale Percent values to the default.
Click Thumbnail Images.
After the Thumbnail Converter converts your images into thumbnails, you will see the following message:
The system successfully converted your images into thumbnail images and stored them in the following location: /home/user/.cpanel/thumbnails/tn_*
Click the thumbnail path to open the directory in cPanel's File Manager interface (Home >> Files >> File Manager).
Image Scaler
Click Image Scaler to enlarge or shrink an image.
To resize an image, perform the following steps:
Select the image that you wish to resize.
Click the folder icon
to navigate the file system. -
Click on a folder name to select it.
- Click on a file name to select it.
To set the new image size, perform either of the following two steps:
Use the New Dimensions text boxes to define, in pixels, the desired image size.
Use the Percent text boxes to define the percentage by which you wish to resize your images.
- Select the Keep the current aspect ratio checkbox to ensure that the image's dimensions remain proportional, to prevent the distortion of the image.
- Click Reset Dimensions to reset the Percent values to the default.
- Select the Retain a copy of the old image as checkbox to store a copy of the original image. Specify the file path at which to save the copy in the text box.
- Click Scale Image.
Click Your image to view the rescaled image.
Convert to an Image Format
Click Convert to an Image Format to convert any of the supported file types from one type to another.
To change an image's file type, perform the following steps:
Select the directory or file that you wish to convert.
Click the folder icon
to navigate the file system. -
Click on a folder name to select it.
- Click on a file name to select it.
- From the menu, select the file format to which you wish to convert your image or images. You may select any of the following file formats:
- Click Convert. The system saves the new file in the same directory as the original file.
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