How to stop referred Spams

Referred spams have become a problem again. If you are not familiar with referred Spam, basically it is a bots trade that personifies a referred link. The pseudo trade is designed to make your domain appear on your Analytics site for you to visit the site.


Why is a referred Spam a problem?

Aside from filling your Garbage Analytics site with unnecessary information, it's a huge waste of time and those "visits" consume all your bandwidth from your website.


It is then possible to create a filter in Google Analytics that filters Spammers referenced, everything masks the problem. So instead of filtering the bad information before the fact, we are going to show you how to block it from the root.

Referrer Spam

How to get stop the referred Spam

The key to stopping the referred spam is to block it before it has the opportunity to register itself in your website as referred. The fastest way to do this is to paste the following code in your .htaccess file.



RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} [NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} [NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} [NC]

RewriteRule .* - [F]



Another technique that you can use is Diverting, which redirects the traffic back to where its from. You can create a file called which is shown here: (many prefer it instead of blocking)





##referer --> redirect target


Then add the following code to the .htaccess file:


RewriteMap deflector txt:/path/to/

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !=""

RewriteCond ${deflector:%{HTTP_REFERER}} =-

RewriteRule ^ %{HTTP_REFERER} [R,L]



You can use black lists and combine it with Regex as a standard key for spammers. An example of this is the Perishable Press list. The only problem with blacklisting of referrals spammers is that many do not seem to be up to date.


WordPress Plugin

For those who don’t have access to the .htaccess file or don’t feel they have the experience to properly edit it, there is a WordPress Plugin that can do it for you. For many engineers, Semalt is the worst. Therefore Peadig created Bloqueador Semalt para Wordpress.

Efficient management of the .htaccess file

Another annoyance of having referral spam blocker is to update the .htaccess file for all your sites. Fortunately there is a trick that is to use an umbrella in the .htaccess file for all your sites. This is done by saving a .htaccess file in the directory that contains everything about the site directories. The server will read the .htaccess file before reading each .htaccess file individually so that the bots are stopped from all nested sites within the directory.


Google Analytics Filters

You can also try to create a personalized filter with Google Analytics.

Create a filter for your sites with Google Analytics by browsing the Administrator, then clicking on All Filters. Then click Create Filter and then create a Custom Exclude for the root of the campaign. Enter the domains you want using Regex. The format must be the domain followed by a line(|) for every additional domain.


It should look like this:

Google Analytics Filter


You can see more information and locking tools

Jon Henshaw. (2015). How To Stop Referrer Spam. 2017, de RAVEN Sitio web:


In case you have any questions or concerns you can contact our live chat via whatsapp :



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