
Content Components
Customicon.PNG Text or Content Block Add text and images using a visual editor
Htmlicon.PNG HTML/Javascript Embed third party widgets or write your own code
Spacericon.png Spacer Adds a spacer between components
Imageicon.PNG Single Image Place a single image on your page
Imageslideshowicon.PNG Image Slideshow Add a slideshow from all of the images in a folder
Imagegalleryicon.PNG Image Gallery Add a number of images to your site in a variety of ways
Formicon.PNG Contact Form Display a simple form on your site that e-mails you submissions
Feedicon.PNG Web Feed Add content from websites that publish feeds of their content
Googlemapsicon.PNG Google Maps Display a map with a location on it
Navigationicon.PNG Navigation Create an extra navigation menu
WorldMapicon.png Interactive World Map Display an interactive map with custom markers
Bnetappsicon.PNG Bravenet Web Apps Add A Bravenet Web App to your site
Guestbookicon.PNG Guestbook Allow your visitors to write a message to you!
Pagecountericon.PNG Page Counter Display your number of unique visits or page views on your website
Blogging Components
Blogicon.PNG Blog Posts Display blog posts you have written as a list, summary or full posts
Blogcommenticon.PNG Blog Comments Display recent comments made on your blog posts
Blogsearchicon.PNG Blog Search Display a search box so that your blog can be searched
Blogarchiveicon.PNG Blog Archive Show links to your old blog posts by dates, categories or tags
Multimedia Components
Beforeaftericon.png Before After Show a before and after image
Html5videoicon.png HTML5 Video Display an HTML5 Video on your website
Youtubeicon.PNG Youtube Video Display a YouTube video on your site
GDocsicon.PNG Google Docs Viewer Display a document on your website
Flickricon.PNG Flickr Gallery Display a collection of images from Flickr in a customizable gallery
Videoplayericon.PNG Video Player Display a video on your website.
Flashicon.PNG Embed Flash Embed a Flash SWF on your website
Vimeoicon.PNG Vimeo Display a Vimeo video on your site
Audioplayericon.PNG Audio Player Let your visitors listen to music on your website
Social Components
Sociabuttonsicon.PNG Social Sharing Buttons Add icons that allow visitors to share your webpages through a variety of social networks.
Lastfmicon.PNG Last.FM Display music that you listen to through your Last.FM account
Followersicon.PNG Twitter Followers Display the icons of people following you, or people you're following
Twittericon.PNG Twitter Timeline Display your recent Twitter updates on your page
Githubicon.PNG GitHub Repositories This component will display a list of recent GitHub repositories for a GitHub user
Tweetbuttonicon.PNG Tweet Button Allow users to share your site on Twitter
Facesiteicon.PNG Facebook Site Activity Show the recent Facebook activity on your site
Facelikeicon.PNG Facebook Like Button Allow users to like a page or item on Facebook
Facestaticon.PNG Facebook Status Updates Display your recent Facebook Status updates on your page
Redditicon.PNG Reddit Display stories from on your website
Blogrollicon.PNG Blogroll Display a list of your favorite blogs
Friendfeedicon.PNG Friendfeed Display your recent online activity from a variety of other websites
Deliciousicon.PNG Display your recently bookmarked websites
Friendicon.PNG Friend List Add a list of friends to your site
Gamercardicon.PNG Xbox GamerCard Show off your scores by entering your XBOX GamerTag
eCommerce Components
Paypalicon.PNG Paypal Display a Paypal "buy now" button on your site
Ecwidsbicon.PNG Ecwid Shopping Bag Create a digital shopping bag for your website
Ecwidpsicon.PNG Ecwid Product Search Create a search box for the products you sell
Ecwidplicon.PNG Ecwid Product Listing Display products from your online store
Bookfreshicon.PNG BookFresh Online Scheduling Let new and existing clients schedule with your business online
Ebayitemsicon.PNG eBay Listings Display a list of the items you're selling on eBay

Although your Website Builder theme will work if you do not apply any css styles to the html for the optional content components, you will need to style them if you want to give them a unique design rather than the default style that is applied.

Want to see these components at work? An example site has been set up to display them all at

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