If you have a corporate email plan, or use the free accounts included in the domain purchase, you must add the following MX records in order to receive mail:
Record | Priority | ttl |
us2.mx1.mailhostbox.com |
1 |
7200 |
us2.mx2.mailhostbox.com |
5 |
7200 |
us2.mx3.mailhostbox.com |
5 |
7200 |
If your domain is registered with ClickPanda, and you use our DNS manager, you can follow the steps in this article from our support center and modify your MX records and configure the clickpanda Name Servers: :
Also, you must verify that your domain has the following CNAME records for the operation of webmail and mail clients (Outlook, thunderbird, Mail on your phone)
Hostname | Points to |
pop |
imap |
smtp |
webmail |
In case you have any questions or concerns you can contact our live chat via whatsapp : https://wa.me/+573107216459