set up a catch all account

One of the advantages of being a member of ClickPanda is to be able to monitor all the messages sent to email accounts that do not exist within your domain, this service is called account catch everything.

To configure the catch it all account, you must follow these steps:

1. To activate the catch it all account, from the members home area you can click on Domains:


2. Select the Domain with which you are going to activate the catch everything account, and click Active


3.Then click on the Manage Mail hosting button:



4. In this section, in front of account catch everything, click activate



5. Once the option is activated, you must choose the account that you are going to use to catch all the emails sent to non-existent addresses in your domain, this account must have been previously created within our mail hosting service, for more information you can follow the steps from this article:

6. To finish, click on Activate Account Catch it all

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